Under Luna ~ The Herbal Hair Care Line Everyone is Talking About
Meet Under Luna. A truly non-toxic, holistic hair care brand that has developed plant-nourished products for ALL hair, scalp, and skin types. Here at DANO, we love UL's ethos, conscious business practices, and most of all, the products they put out into the world. We have been offering their healing hair potions since we opened five years ago. We use their products personally in our homes and often recommend Under Luna shampoos and conditioners to our customers looking to move into a more non-toxic hair care ritual. If you have not made the jump into UL's hair care line, let us help you do so!
Under Luna shampoos and conditioners are clean, gentle and effective. Made with non-toxic and plant-based ingredients, in-house herbal extracts, hydrosols, cold pressed oils and essential oils. Each bottle holds ingredients that contain vitamins and minerals that nourish your scalp and hair to bring your hair back to its original, healthy and thriving state. Each blend is formulated to suit your scalp and special hair needs. Whether you have thinning hair due to postpartum, curly hair, dry damaged hair, sensitive skin, there is a formula in the UL line for you.
Less is more. Something special about the formulas that Under Luna offers, is that they are made with a minimal amount of ingredients. Flower, root and plant oils and extracts have long been used throughout history for their cleansing and healing properties. Under Luna shampoos and conditioners are meticulously formulated to meet the various needs of all scalp and hair types - with 100% natural ingredients. They use ethically sourced, cruelty-free, non-toxic and non-GMO ingredients. Every ingredient that goes into every product is listed and it's plant healing benefits are shared so you know exactly how each ingredient benefits your scalp and hair. By using natural products that are free of dyes, harsh chemicals, and toxins, you’re investing in your well being.
Image via Under Luna
Many of the commercial and so called "clean" shampoos and conditioners we find on the grocery and salon shelves are filled with toxins that are harmful to our bodies and the our earth. Ingredients such as Sodium lauryl Sulfate / Sodium laureth Sulfate, PEgs (petroleum derived ingredients), Synthetic Fragrances or Phthalates, and Toxic Preservatives such as parabens, sneak their way into the many beauty products marketed to humans. Such ingredients should be be avoided in the products we put onto our skin in and into our hair. These chemicals are hormone disruptors and have been shown to contribute to some serious health conditions. Further, the harsh chemicals in commercial and even other "natural" hair products strip the hair of natural oils we need. Under Luna products are designed to gently cleanse, but never strip you of the oils your scalp craves. The shampoos and conditioners smell like herbs and plants you would find Nature and they lather up perfectly for that non-toxic clean.
Image via Under Luna
When making the switch to a natural hair care, there are a few things to note while you make the change and your hair adjusts to the new holistic regime. At first, the shampoo is going to work a bit harder to remove any film and buildup from previous shampoos. It may take some time to release all these films and previous ingredients from other products. Some folks can experience a transition or detox period in which you may see more oils being released than usual. Some people experience dryness, more tangles than usual or even some flakiness on the scalp. This is just as common because the skin is purging and getting rid of irritating build up. But it is important to continue use of the natural shampoo. Your scalp and hair will become more balanced once the purge phase is over. Sometimes washing more frequently in the detox phase is helpful. Apple Cider Vinegar rinses are also recommended once a week to help remove build up and remove excess oils. Click here for how to make ACV rinse.
With a full line of hair care products to choose from, it important to find out which UL shampoo and conditioner is right for you. You can take the Under Luna Hair Quiz here so you can find out which of their offerings will be best for you. As always, you can visit our shop and we are happy to help guide you to the best option for your hair type.
Shop our Under Luna hair care offerings and more on shopdano.com.